Our vision at CHEO is the best life for every child and youth, regardless of who they are or the circumstances of their birth. Discrimination and injustice hurt kids in real ways. Racism harms their health and will have enduring impacts well into adulthood. Anti-racism is not a finish line to reach, it is ongoing work we all must do.
That’s why we are in solidarity with those standing up for themselves and for others. We are horrified by the many overt examples of racism, injustice and discrimination south of the border and in Canada too. In recent days, we have been reminded again how anti-Black racism diminishes the humanity of so many of our fellow citizens. CHEO will heed the call to listen and learn, to review our practices and to create safe, respectful, equitable spaces.
Racism is an important determinant of health among children, youth and families as evidenced by the Canadian Public Health Association. Repeated exposure to racism and hate, either directly or by witnessing it on the news and social media, can lead to negative physical and mental health outcomes.
CHEO is committed to engaging Black, Indigenous and other racialized voices internally and in the broader community to create a renewed plan of action. If you have feedback or suggestions, we encourage you to share your voice.