Meet our Brewer Assessment Centre team!
Posted on Friday, April 03, 2020 10:58 AM
Kudos to everyone working hard at the Brewer Arena assessment centre to keep kids, families and our community safe. Run in collaboration with The Ottawa Hospital, the Assessment Centre provides COVID-19 assessment and testing for children and adults.
Our CHEO team is fully gowned up in protective gear and ready to put #safetyfirst by screening kids and youth for COVID-19.
Our team is working hard, but it's all smiles behind those masks! Dr. Jason Brophy, Debbie Turner & Abby Browne...
Hillary meets Katie Perry
Posted on Thursday, March 12, 2020 11:08 AM
On Pink Shirt Day last month, our President & CEO Alex Munter tweeted a photo of a CHEO staff member named Katie Perry. Katie Perry works with our Doctors of Shredding, helping shred confidential documents, deliver handouts and more.
Hillary – featured in this video – replied right away.
So we made it happen.
Llama Llama Blue Pajamas
Posted on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 10:40 AM
Last week was Kindness Week (February 17 to 21) — a time to show appreciation and add to the happiness of people around you. While little acts of kindness were happening all over the world, one very big act of kindness was happening on CHEO's oncology unit — our community banded together to support Ollie and search for his beloved stuffed animal, Llama Llama Blue Pajamas.
Here’s a touching message from Ollie’s mom, Dawn, as she reflected on how much these little acts of kindness meant to her family:
Head to Toe
Posted on Monday, February 10, 2020 04:02 PM
Pictured: Dr. Sinthuja Suntharalingam, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Emily Smith, Registered Nurse
The new Head to Toe at CHEO Program (named by a parent) aims to identify youth who are starting to have suicidal thoughts and quickly get them the help they need. “Since starting this program, I think we have saved more than one life,” says Emily Smith, Mental Health Nurse.
Patients admitted to CHEO for mental health problems have always been asked about suicidal thoughts. This new program extends...
Connor visits CHEO's blood lab
Posted on Friday, January 31, 2020 12:10 PM
Connor likes football, playing with Lego, and lives for summers spent at his family’s trailer. Like many kids his age — and adults too! — one thing he doesn’t enjoy nearly as much is having his blood taken.
When Connor’s doctors said he needed some important blood work done, they asked for support from his therapists in CHEO’s autism program. Everyone agreed that Connor was up for the challenge. They saw an amazing opportunity to build Connor’s confidence and show him what he is capable of.