New CHEO building a step closer with selection of architectural and management firms
Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 03:57 PM
January 25, 2022 — OTTAWA — CHEO has taken the next step in building its new 1Door4Care Treatment Centre by selecting B+H Architects as the Planning, Design and Conformance team (PDC), and BTY Group/Colliers Project Leaders as the Project Management Company (PMCo).
“We are excited to signal to our construction community that things are really moving along with this exciting new building, which will have such a positive impact...
Poor housing conditions linked to respiratory health issues in young First Nations children
Posted on Monday, January 24, 2022 01:45 PM
OTTAWA, Canada – January 24, 2022 – A study led by CHEO researcher Dr. Tom Kovesi documenting indoor air quality and housing characteristics in four isolated First Nations communities in northwestern Ontario found frequent rates of respiratory infections in children under three years of age and that high rates of wheezing in this age group was related to poor housing conditions. The study is published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).
Researchers documented the extent to which many...
CHEO respite and home-care programs providing extra support to families
Posted on Saturday, January 15, 2022 12:00 PM
Update: February 3, 2022
We are no longer able to offer the temporarily increased amount of out-of-home respite care. As directed by the province, CHEO is returning to its regular level of service, which means the redeployed staff who were offering the additional out-of-home respite are now returning to their regular duties.
OTTAWA — Amid the increased pressures of the pandemic, CHEO is adding resources to five popular programs that provide out-of-home respite and in-home care — as a way to support...
Everyone has a role to play as Ontario schools return to in-person learning
Posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 03:59 PM
Statement from the Children's Health Coalition
TORONTO, OTTAWA — January 12, 2022 – As leaders in children’s health, we support the decision to return Ontario children to in-person learning on January 17. We know the best place for kids is in the classroom and we all have a role to play to manage risk while maintaining focus on their mental, physical and developmental wellbeing.
We want to extend our sincere gratitude to teachers, ECEs...
COVID-19 vaccination for children and youth: first and second doses
Posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 01:26 PM
Update: second doses for 5-11 year olds
We know many of you are keen to get your child their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to help keep them safe—we have good news — your 5-11 year old can now get their second dose at CHEO! If your child received their first does at CHEO already, you can expect to receive a call from our vaccine team in the coming days to discuss your second dose. We are calling families in the order in which you received your vaccination, so rest assured we will be in...