Canadians agree: children must be a priority for national COVID-19 recovery plan
Posted on Thursday, September 10, 2020 08:37 AM
Recent data from an Abacus Poll commissioned by Children’s Healthcare Canada (CHC) reveals the vast majority of Canadians are deeply worried about the future of our country’s children and youth. Of those polled, fully 92% believe children should be a priority as the Canadian government develops its COVID19 recovery plan, and beyond, with 70% of respondents expecting the pandemic to have long-term effects on children.
The findings indicate a striking and widespread concern, with Canadians seeing...
CHEO introduces new services to support children & youth with autism to build essential life skills
Posted on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 08:47 AM
Learning to socialize and dealing with sleep issues most concerning, according to families
Ottawa — August 24, 2020 — The COVID-19 pandemic affects us all, but unlike adults, children’s social and health needs impact their growth and development, requiring flexibility from the health-care system. Children and youth with autism need extra support during these trying times. To meet this need, and based on family feedback, CHEO has launched new social skills groups and sleep support services.
CHEO urges vigilance when storing cannabis edibles in homes with children
Posted on Friday, August 14, 2020 03:00 AM
Ottawa — August 14, 2020 — As we approach a year since cannabis edibles were legalized in Canada, CHEO has seen a recent increase in the number of children visiting the Emergency Department after ingesting edible products found in the home.
“This is a problem with a solution,” said Dr. Melanie Bechard, a pediatric Emergency physician at CHEO. “Simple safety measures and talking to kids about the dangers of cannabis edibles can help reduce the number of children visiting the hospital...
Chickenpox at CHEO
Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 07:01 PM
The pandemic is an unsettling time for families and we are making every effort to let families know what to expect onsite and that CHEO is safe.
We treat all diseases, conditions and ailments afflicting children in our region. It’s what we do – we are always here for families who need us. Right now, we have cases of chickenpox onsite and together with Ottawa Public Health we are declaring it an outbreak.
Here is what you need to...
Virtual care key to safely increasing in-person clinical services for kids
Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 11:03 AM
-- A release from the Child and Youth Subcommittee of the Champlain Region Integrated Service Planning (CRISP) Committee --
Ottawa—Health-care providers for children and youth in the Champlain region want parents to know that virtual care for their children and youth is critical to safely providing more in-person care amid COVID-19. It’s also an effective way to deliver care.
“Every day is important in the lives of children and we want...